OWL research at the University of Manchester

Joint research by members of the Information Management Group and the Bio-Health Informatics Group.

Web services update

We have been providing several different OWL related web services, such as the OWL syntax converter and the ontology browser,  for a few years now. It seems our current hosting solution can no longer cope with some of the larger and more complex ontologies that are uploaded, so we’ve been seeing a few server hiccups lately.

In order to deal with this problem, we’re currently in the process of moving the applications to more stable server infrastructure. In addition, we will also be providing downloads for the tools, which means that anyone wanting to modularise a large ontology can do that locally on their own machine rather than having to deal with long upload times and possible server outage.

While we’re moving the applications, this owl.cs site will also find a new home on a university server rather than our good ol’ Mac Mini, which can will improve uptime drastically. The overhaul should be completed by the end of June 2013. We will keep you updated on this.

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