OWL research at the University of Manchester

Joint research by members of the Information Management Group and the Bio-Health Informatics Group.

Supporting Materials: Making Entailment Set Changes Explicit Improves the Understanding of Consequences of Authoring Actions

In submission to EKAW 2016.

This research has been funded by the EPSRC project WhatIf: Answering “What if…” questions for Ontology Authoring. EPSRC reference EP/J014176/1.


Inference Inspector on GitHub.

Inference Inspector Walk-through (7min)

Exploratory Study: Prototype Evaluation

Eventbrite: Advanced OWL Tutorial (information)
Pizza ontology used in exploratorystudy

Controlled Study: Making Changes to Key Entailment Sets Explicit Improves Verification Performance

Protege Survey Tool on GitHub.

Experiment results

All datasets and analysis scripts (both experiments).